• Pratiquez la rédaction d'une biographie, surtout l'emploi des pronoms relatifs, en jouant à ce jeu

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  • There will soon be the Presidential election in the USA. The 3eme Euro class have worked hard on the Presidents of the past and here are some of their presentations of four very famous US Presidents.

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    In anticipation of the election we had four candidates in class. Here are the interviews.

    Who would you vote for ?

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    Candidate Joakim. He wants to colonize the planet Saturn !

    Candidate Maëva, who wants to increase spending (but reduce taxes!)

    Candidate Aurore

    Candidate Ilyana


  • ▷ Mississippi Burning- Diner Scene - YouTube | Youtube, Mississippi, Rayban  wayfarer

    Regardez l'extrait du film en cliquant sur le lien ici et répondez à ces 10 questions. 

    Télécharger « Mississippi burning diner scene »

    1. Where does the scene take place ? In what decade of the 20th century ?

    2. Who were the two men that entered the restaurant ?

    3. What was the problem when they entered the restaurant ?

    4. What was "strange" about the restaurant ?

    5. What did the younger man do ?

    6. What was the older man's reaction ?

    7. Why did the younger man sit next to the black man ?

    8. Why did the black man refuse to speak to the younger man?

    9. What exactly did the black man say ?

    10. In your opinion why did the older man refuse to sit with the African American customers ?



  • Watch this video and do the activities of Exercise A

    Listen to this song, written and sung in 1964 by the African American singer Sam Cook and then do exercise B

     C) Watch this video and answer the questions in your copybook (Write sentences!)

    1. Where and when was President Obama born?     8. Where did he go after graduation and what did he do ?

    2. What happened when he was two years old ?     9. When did he get married ?

    3. What did he do at ten years old ?                           10. When did he enter politics ?

    4. When did he graduate from university ?                 11. What did he announce in 2007 ?

    5. What and where was his first job ?                        12. Who was his adversary ?

    6. Where did he study in 1988 ?                                   13. What did he win in 2009 ?

    7. What happened the following summer ?                  14. What problems did the USA face when he became President ?



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    Fais le jeu sur le blog et traduis cette phrase en français : "I swear I'd be a better man". Envoie un commentaire avec votre traduction !

    Beyoncé "If I were a boy"

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